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Heroes Centrum - Česká centrála pro sérii HoMM

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Instalace mapy:

I. Mapa s koncovkou .scn:

Stažený soubor s koncovkou .scn umístěte do složky Scenario, která se nachází ve složce Dokumenty\Might & Magic Heroes VI.


II. Mapa s koncovkou .h5m:

Stažený soubor s koncovkou .h5m umístěte do složky Maps, která se nachází ve složce se hrou.


III. Mapa s koncovkou .pak:

Stažený soubor s koncovkou .pak umístěte do složky data, která se nachází ve složce se hrou.


IV. Mapa s koncovkou .h4c:

Stažený soubor s koncovkou .h4c umístěte do složky Maps, která se nachází ve složce se hrou.


V. Mapa s koncovkou .h3m/.h3c:

Stažený soubor s koncovkou .h3m/.h3c umístěte do složky Maps, která se nachází ve složce se hrou.


Filtrování map:


V databázi bylo nalezeno 18 map odpovídajících vašim požadavkům.

Andělé versus ďáblové 3 - multiplayer

Velikost souboru:
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: M
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Niven (http://niven.webzdarma.cz)


Tato mapa není nic jiného, než volné pokračování Andělé versus Ïáblové 2.


Už zase víří války mezi těmito národy, na straně pekla je Xeron, ďábel z dávných dob a na straně života je Isabela, která se snaží s těmito ďábly skoncovat. Je čas zúčtování.


Funguje i na Hammers of Fate a Tribes of the East.


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Action and Reaction - singleplayer

Velikost souboru: 68 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/1
Velikost: S
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: winterfate


For many long years, two kingdoms have existed, one above the other, without either kingdom ever realizing it. However, one day scouts were sent through the tunnels and the kingdoms discovered each other. Now, they are at war for the limited resources in this small territory.


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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Dragon's Cape - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 3,4 MB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: S
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Fosgen


The Dragons Cape has been a lure for treasure seekers and adventurists for ages. Legend has it, that somewhere in the Cape's sands lie hidden ruins of an ancient Dragon city. The one who takes courage to fight the city guards and defeats them gets countless riches!

Pozn.: 3. místo v soutěži o nejlepší mapu na Celestial Heavens

Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com


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Coming Home - singleplayer

Velikost souboru:
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 1/1
Velikost: S
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Franzy


Sir Rutger the Knight hasn't been home for two long years. Now he is eager to return to his home castle and to rejoin with his beautiful wife. Finally his ship touches the beach of the native shores...

Pozn.: 2. místo v soutěži o nejlepší mapu na Celestial Heavens

Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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Roads of Doravine - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 161 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 6/6
Velikost: L
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: winterfate


The city of Doravine was abandoned long ago by the Sages of the Sanctum faction when other factions moved into the outskirts of their beloved home. In their stead, they summoned mighty dragons to defend their city and punish any intruders. Ever since then, the other factions have formed alliances to destroy their enemies and conquer Doravine.

Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com


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Fury of the Elements - singleplayer

Velikost souboru: 1,4 MB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 3/1
Velikost: S
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Myythryyn


Mount Toran has been home to a Tear of Asha for centuries. It has been placed in the town of Elyysia, where the Daughter of Sylanna now dwells. It has brought times of prosperity, but not peace, for it was not forgotten that the Elves possessed a Tear of Asha. Many heroes have tried to ascend Mount Toran to capture it, but none have succeeded in passing the mountains defenses. Ten years have passed since the last attack, and there is a new threat. From across the mists of the planes a Conflux Elementalist, known As Vorandalar, has opened dimensional rifts and is summoning an army. The Daughter of Sylanna has chosen Alaron for the task of defeating Vorandalar and protecting the Tear of Asha. This is a singleplayer roleplaying map about the story of the Ranger Alaron. Its a small map, with scripted events, story to read, and many objectives to complete, that all leads up to a final challenging battle.


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com


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Ruins in the Desert - singleplayer

Velikost souboru: 1,4 MB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 1/1
Velikost: L
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Pitsu


Podzemí: Ano

A small kingdom lays next to an inaccessible desert. Grown up there, and heard countless stories of mysterious treasures and secrets of the desert you wish to see them all with your own eyes. Luck has given you a chance...


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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Dragon's Legacy - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 90 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: S
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Ri-El


Podzemí: Ano

It was dream of your whole life - to see a dragon and defeat him... Looks like now you have a chance...Two days ago you've recieved a letter from one of your old friend...
It says about little island not far from the shore...
There you shall find a key to filfull your dream...


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com


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Ashes and Sands - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 5,1 MB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: L
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Zilonite and Signe


Podzemí: Ano

Time: YSD 759

Place: Far South of the Ashan

Two striders, trying to catch their own luck amidst the anarchy of civil war between Wizards and Necromancers, overheard a strange story of a rich wizard, Isher the Eightfinger, who tried to conjure a phoenix to help defend his castle against incoming hordes of undead. Yet the spell went wrong and instead of one phoenix a whole tide of those fiery creatures entered the world, destroying all and everything on the path of their wings.
As it is rumored that abandoned treasures of the wizard are still there, both striders decided to take a look on those places, which since those happenings acquired the name of the Land of Ashes and Sands. Albeit some other rumors say that those magnificent creatures of fire are still there, too…

Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com


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Control of the Oceanfront - singleplayer

Velikost souboru: 239 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 3/1
Velikost: XL
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: finkellll


Many years ago you and the neighboring lands lived in agreement with each other, but something interesting has happened. Your advisors told you that your neighbors are weakening, and if you wanted to control all of the land, now is the time to take action...


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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The Keymasters - singleplayer

Velikost souboru: 78 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 1/1
Velikost: S
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Rocco D. Giordano


Podzemí: Ano

Your destiny lies in the hands of 3 keymasters that must be appeased to defeat the lord of the north so that peace and prosperity can finally be achieved that no other king before you has not. Good Luck!


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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Random Wars - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 196 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: XL
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: NevermindSpy


This Map Has Twists And Suprises, Enjoy!!


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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Battle for Androna - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 528 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 6/6
Velikost: XL
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Myythryyn


Podzemí: Ano

Every fifty years the Ley Lines align causing a great increase in mana throughout the lands of Androna. This event is known as the Mana Apex. It either brings times of legendary magical feats and prosperity, or dark times of war and destruction. The last Apex was a dark time. War covered the lands, and godlike heroes fought for their faction's supremacy. The war was won by the Haven King Baroc and his loyal heroes, using the powers of heaven itself to control all of Androna. After his death, his heir was deemed unworthy of the crown, and the Angels left Androna. Now the Mana Apex is upon the lands again, and you are not the only one seeking power. It is time for your heroes to move out and conquer all that opposes you!


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com 


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The Elven Lord - singleplayer

Velikost souboru:
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 1/1
Velikost: XL
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Uzbek


In the year 235 b.c. The greatest Druid of all times 'the Darvesh' died at the age 1247. Now it is just a matter of time to choose the next spiritual leader for elven nation. His successor by blood is 'Alpomish'. However, to be accepted by all the elves as their Lord and Leader he needs to defeat in combat all of his neighbors.


Zdroj: CelestialHeavens.com


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Two Coasts - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 207 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: L
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ano
Autor: Hunter


Podzemí: Ano

River always separate a border of two neighbours, but already not one time in her history, riversides was drawn in blood. It is likely that in this time not will be exception.


Zdroj: Celestial Heavens.com 


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Dragon Hill - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 967 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 2/2
Velikost: L
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Fiur


For so long the "Dragon Hill" has manage to keep these two settlements apart..... But there is a rumour spread over the hilly ground.... The King on each side are building an Amry...
And the goal are to rule these Great Hills alone.....
Be prepared....


Zdroj: Celestial Heavens.com


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Uprchlík - singleplayer

Velikost souboru: 710 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 5/1
Velikost: XL
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Nival


Píše se rok 823 a válka o Zlomenou hůl, při níž bylo zničeno nekromantské království Heresh, je u konce. Království mrtvých je v troskách, velký Belketh mrtev a jeho žáci vyhnáni a opovrhováni. Mnoho z nich se skrývá, ostatní se marně snaží vzdorovat. Jiní, jako nekromant Naadir, hledají odpovědi na otázky v dlouho ztracené moudrosti Sar-Elama a Sar-Shazzara. Naadir se vydává na dlouhou a strastiplnou pouť, při níž se s pomocí informací ze starobylého pergamentu snaží najít nepoškozenou kopii původních učení Sedmého draka.


Bonusová mapa, nachází se také ve sběratelské edici.


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Poslední naděje - multiplayer

Velikost souboru: 278 kB
Počet hráčů (z toho lidí): 4/4
Velikost: L
Datadisk: h5
Podzemí: Ne
Autor: Nival


Neštěstí vždy přichází neočekávaně. Obyvatelé šťastného ostrova natolik přivykli bohatství a luxusu, že si vůbec nevšimli, když se vyčerpaly doly, jež byly zdrojem jejich blahobytu. Nyní budou muset za své štěstí bojovat se zbraní v ruce. Možná by jednomu z protivníků mohl v uskutečnění tohoto cíle pomoci mocný artefakt "Ashina slza", jenž je prý ukrytý kdesi na ostrově.


Bonusová mapa, je také součástí patche 1.2


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